Sunday, June 29, 2014

Work begins on the mr2

Again the work has begun and its not going to stop so i will keep the updates Rollin here is the new video below. This car is one of my pride and joy and will live again and its going to be a labor of love and i cant ak for anything better. lots of peopl can tell you that your project is a lost cause and sometimes you need to know when yours is but a little more money isnt always the answer work is. when i work on this thing i dont see work i see fun so enjoy your projects everyone

Saturday, June 28, 2014


alright so its been a little while and right now im editing a video its just a little teaser to what is going on with my mr2. so more videos are to come but work is in progress and that engine is coming out soon!!!!!! but for now the video is being edited and will be up sunday around mid day and up on this blog as well

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Curb appeal

So as with a few Mr2s out there the front valance or lower bumper facia is a corroded beyond what I'd consider visual appealing so for the blog I really want to repair this using fiberglass and body filler for the most part to remake and define the front piece again to its normal glory a little body work for the car and see how it turns out.... so that will be this weekends project and I'll make a video along with this as well